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Saratoga Springs NRCS Debris Flow Mitigation

View the system of storm water drainage canals, basins, and structures CRS designed to protect this community from debris flows and flooding.

In June 2012, fire burned more than 5,500 acres, including the Israel Canyon drainage area above Saratoga Springs, Utah. Heavy August thunderstorms caused significant debris flows and flooding–damaging dozens of homes and threatening public health and safety.

On Labor Day 2012, CRS provided immediate response to provide short-term emergency engineering solutions. CRS was also retained to assist in obtaining federal NRCS funds, as well as provide engineering design and construction management for $3.5 million improvements to protect residential areas and developable land from future debris flows and flooding long term.

The project included nearly 1-mile of open channel design, a 40-acre debris basin, improvements to an existing park, and wetland mitigation.


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