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We welcome new shareholders and principals to CRS!

We are thrilled to announce that Mary Hargis, SPHR, Mark Chandler, PE, PG, CFM, Max Pierce, PE, and Greg Nelson, PE, have become the newest shareholders at CRS. In addition, Greg Nelson and Max Pierce have moved into the role of Principal. This is a significant milestone in our journey as a company and helps recognize four…

Integrating Pedestrian Planning into Roadway Designs

Active transportation is becoming increasingly more common in today’s roadway designs. For many years it was commonly overlooked in roadway designs. Today, civil engineers must consider pedestrian planning and design, that factors in mobility options for walking, biking, and other non-motorized forms of transportation. Many of CRS transportation team designs have included an active transportation…

CRS Selected in UPRR’S TOP 8 Nationwide

                                    The CRS Rail Team  boasts extensive expertise across various aspects of the rail sector, having successfully contributed to numerous transit, rail, and cross projects. In 1990, our strategic collaboration with Union Pacific Railroad(UPRR) enriched our knowledge, providing…

Using Geographic Information Systems(GIS) to Streamline Designs

  Advancements in technology within the civil engineering field have significantly transformed how innovative designs are created and implemented. Improved technological tools play a crucial role in addressing infrastructure challenges, enabling engineers to continually contribute to the ongoing development of the world around us. At CRS, we have implemented many new technologies to better serve…

CRS is Committed to Providing Solutions for Water Quality Challenges

Water has become one of the most valuable resources in the world, and its critical importance extends to a wide range of essential uses. Unfortunately, water quality is a pressing global concern. As we move further into the 21st century, several challenges have emerged that pose significant threats to the purity and availability of this…

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